Sunday, October 19, 2008


Even though I haven't updated in... a few decades... I have a very special announcement!


That's right, you heard me. I am spending next semester in Greece. Specifically I will be studying in Rhodes, but I am hoping to travel all over the place: throughout Europe, maybe to Egypt, and maybe I will just swim to Turkey since I'll be so close. I might be able to see Turkey from my house! 

So, obviously I am excited to go abroad. I'm Greek, so I can't wait to get in touch with those roots, and I can't wait to travel and meet new people. But really, what I am most excited about is the food. Really, did you have any doubt about that? I cannot wait for the food. I am also hoping to learn how to cook Greek food, which would be awesome. I would come back home and whip up some moussaka to share. Yum...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Back at School... with a Pretend Kitchen

Maryland Wall of Victory!

I'm back at school! And actually have been for over a month now. 
I figure its about time to start work on my blog again, if only for a procrastination tool against the massive stack of reading piling on my desk.

So, in brief, this year's living situation is a step up from last year's. It's bigger, to begin with- a 6 person suite with a massive common room. I lucked out with a single, too, which is fantastic. 

Food-wise, though, there are way more opportunities to avoid eating at the dining hall. We have snuck in a number of appliances, which I guess we aren't really supposed to have. Between the common room and the 4 bedrooms, we have: 5 refrigerators, 2 microwaves, 1 toaster oven, 1 toaster,  1 hot pot, 1 rice cooker, and 1 unopened and untouched hot plate. Don't 
tell anyone!

My storage area for plates/ tupperware/ dish towels, etc. 

My pantry area. In my closet, food takes precedence over clothing. Sad, isn't it?

The fridge covered and packed with food. 

The kitchen area of the common room.